Lizzie Recommends

Certified Laughter Leader

Debbie Harbinson

Hi! I’m here for someone just like you – someone who wants to reduce stress, while allowing more joy and ease in their life. My name is Debbie Harbinson, RN, Master in Healthcare Innovation, board certified Holistic Nurse (HNB-BC), Coach, and Certified Laughter Leader. I live in Phoenix, Arizona and appreciate the time I spend with my family, friends and an intuitive Labradoodle named Chumley.

Holistic Wellness

Mackenzie Dickson

My mission is to help empower and assist in the connection with Mother Earth and her gifts to facilitate your wellness journey.

I am a holistic wellness and spiritual mentor offering one on one support and group healing sessions where crystals, herbal medicine and Reiki are integrated as one whole modality to support those on their self-healing journey.

Moon Mystic

Suzanne Alia

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Web Design / Techie Virtual Assistant

Cathlene Klippert

My passion is to take the intimidation out of technology and give you peace of mind so you can focus on what matters most, family, clients and self care.

I help heart-centered entrepreneurs who are frustrated by tasks that require skills they don’t have or keep pulling them away from spending time where their light shines. Working with energy I understand how crucial the energy you put into your business is to attract quality clients. I take the skills I obtained from the corporate world along with my creativity and love of technology to complete those task. This allows my clients to create the space needed to focus ON their business instead of in it.