Lizzie Kay Moon

Encounter of a Different Kind – the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™

My first encounter with a Shamanic Astrologer was May 13, 2022 … and I didn’t even know it! My friends Happy-O and Johnny Free had invited me to the annual Spring Fest at their resort, Heaven on Earth, in Prescott. The day was complete with nature in The Dells, flowery souls, vegan potluck, heartful cacao […]

Encounter of a Different Kind – the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™ Read More »

How Can Simple Sound “Heal” the Body … and the World?

Harmonic sound frequencies have been used to demonstrate and create harmony and balance in the body for thousands of years! Many ancient teachings focused on music as the main force for harmonizing the body and spirit, for affecting the emotions, and even effecting cures. From Egypt to China, India and Greece, cultures have honored the therapeutic powers of sound

How Can Simple Sound “Heal” the Body … and the World? Read More »